Heatheridge 6th Ward Empty Nesters is a group of individuals or couples who have reached a stage in life where their children have grown up and moved out of the family home.
The focus of the Heatheridge 6th Ward Empty Nesters group is to seek opportunities to socialize and engage in meaningful activities.
These activities not only foster a sense of camaraderie among our Empty Nester group but also provides us with an opportunity to grow intellectually and spiritually.
Monthly Pot Luck Dinners

One way we choose to connect is by organizing monthly social potluck dinners, where we gather together to share a meal and enjoy each other's company.
Temple and Family History

We assist each other and our fellow ward members in bringing temple blessings and family history into our lives through temple attendance and ancestor-related tasks.
Fun & Interesting
Group Activities

We'll plan occasional group outings to interesting places, such as museums, parks, plays, concerts and other cultural events to explore and create lasting memories.
Self-Reliance & Sufficiency

We help promote provident living by sharing our life experiences and skills with ward families and youth: budgeting; meal planning; gardening, and resourceful home management.
Helping Hands Community Service

We'll also find fulfillment in lending our hands to special community service opportunities to make a positive impact in our local neighborhoods.
Preparedness & More

We collaborate to enhance our skills in emergency preparedness and educate others. By sharing our expertise, we empower each other to effectively tackle challenges.
Monthly Pot
Luck Dinners
One way way we choose to connect is by organizing monthly social potluck dinners, where we gather together to share a meal and enjoy each other's company.
Fun & Interesting
Group Activities
We'll plan occasional group outings to interesting places, such as museums, parks, plays, concerts and other cultural events to explore and create lasting memories.
Helping Hands Commuity Service
We'll also find fulfillment in lending our hands to special community service opportunities to make a positive impact in our local neighborhoods.

Temple and Family History
One way way we choose to connect is by organizing monthly social potluck dinners, where we gather together to share a meal and enjoy each other's company.
Provident Living
We'll plan occasional group outings to interesting places, such as museums, parks, plays, concerts and other cultural events to explore and create lasting memories.
We'll also find fulfillment in lending our hands to special community service opportunities to make a positive impact in our local neighborhoods.
- Public·18 members
- Public·19 members
- Public·19 members
- Public·17 members
- Public·18 members
- Public·17 members
In a nest atop a tall old tree,
Lived a couple, content as can be.
Their kids had flown, their nest now bare,
Empty nesters, ready for new fare.
No more toys strewn across the floor,
No more noise echoing through the door.
No more late-night snacks to prepare,
Empty nesters had time to spare.
They danced and twirled like carefree birds,
No more chauffeuring with tired words.
They rediscovered their youthful zest,
Empty nesters, finally at rest.
But alas, their tranquil days grew stale,
Longing for liveliness, their spirits did wail.
With a brilliant scheme, they took their stand.
They gathered monthly for potluck delight,
Sharing stories of their kids' crazy flight.
From burnt casseroles to epic fails,
Empty nesters shared hearty tales.
They discussed the ailments they faced,
Health issues and aging, not to be embraced.
With laughter and support, they eased their fears,
Empty nesters, comforting with listening ears.
They ventured out on group escapades,
Exploring places in different shades.
Seeking new thrills, their spirits alight,
Empty nesters, embracing life's delight
But it wasn't just fun that they sought,
Their hearts were kind, compassion they brought.
They lent their hands to community needs,
Helping others, planting goodwill seeds.
So here's to the empty nesters, a marvelous crew,
Finding joy in newfound freedom, it's true.
With laughter and love, they embrace the years
Navigating life's twists with smiles, not tears.

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